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Healing Conflict: Listen, Validate, and Then Explore Options
"Christian Conte, PhD, is a mental health specialist and leading authority on anger management. With Sounds True, Christian has published Walking Through Anger: A New Design for Confronting Conflict in an Emotionally Charged World. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon talks with Christian about his Yield Theory of emotional management, focusing on the process of listen, validate, ex... posted on Feb 09 2020, 6,365 reads


Growing Your Own Garden: Emotional Resilience for Entrepreneurs
"It has been many weeks, and I finally got the itch to write again, this time about a symbol that in just a few days has given me a profound sense of relief: growing your own garden. I'm not speaking about an herb garden. I mean cultivating, in your own fertile mind, a set of values and standards by which you will measure your life's worth separately from what anyone else says or thinks." The foll... posted on Feb 08 2020, 8,308 reads


Beyond Civilization
"I want to live in a world with more wild salmon every year than the year before. More migratory songbirds. More blue whales, slender salamanders, red-legged frogs. More prairies, canebrakes, native forests, beds of sea grass. I want to live in a world with less dioxin in every human and nonhuman mother's breast milk, a world with fewer dams each year than the year before. I'll never live in that ... posted on Feb 07 2020, 4,545 reads


Living Light
"We had sailed Indonesias shattered archipelago before arriving at the uninhabited island chain of Wayag a gumdrop cluster of limestone peaks cloaked in an aura of brilliant, turquoise lagoons. Our crew, a ragbag of scientists and sailors, had come to this remote corner of the globe to study coral reefs. Unlike the bony, barren graveyards that haunt much of the tropical world, the reefs in this p... posted on Feb 06 2020, 3,732 reads


Of Wild Wolves And Bottle-Fed Squirrels
"In the arena of ocean ecology and conservation, Carl Safina is a superstar. Through television documentaries, his writings and the Safina Center, he's been a vital force for years in educating the public about ocean pollution, overfishing and conservation [...] I was enthralled with Safina's blend of stories from his time in the field with elephants, wolves and orcas (killer whales) and the peopl... posted on Feb 05 2020, 3,248 reads


Serious Fun
"Leon was a renegade even as a little kid, and bless him, lived a successful life doing it his own way. He came of draft age exactly as America was entering the war in Vietnam, told us he had no intention of getting drafted and then made good on his promise by baking bread for members of the Draft Board the morning he had to appear. There, he ceremoniously cut his loaf into generous slices and han... posted on Feb 04 2020, 7,427 reads


Gratitude, Grief and Finding Your Yes
"No one can say with certainty how our civilizational crisis will play out. We dont know exactly how much suffering and destructionhuman and nonhumanmight lie in store for us, or how soon. But we do know, with increasing certainty, that the actions of human beings have created horrific disasters and an existential predicament; and we also know that the actions of human beingsfor good or for illwil... posted on Feb 03 2020, 8,877 reads


Caped Crusaders
"At the age of four, my son Sam informed me that when he grew up, he wanted to be Robin Hood. And while I thoroughly approved of his notions concerning the re-distribution of wealth--I mean, let's talk flat tax--I didn't have the heart to tell him that forest outlaw was not exactly projected to be a big growth career in the twenty-first century. I figured he'd find out soon enough." More in this b... posted on Feb 02 2020, 5,320 reads


Wild Soul: A Nature Poem
Here's a nature poem from one of the wild places of our amazing planet. A short poem that urges you to come closer to nature and add some wildness to your soul.... posted on Feb 01 2020, 5,282 reads


Meaning and the Song of the Soul
"Meaning is what calls from the depths of the soul.
It is the song that sings us into life. Whether we have a meaningful life depends upon whether we can hear this song, this primal music of the sacred. The sacred is not something primarily religious or even spiritual. It is not a quality we need to learn or to develop. It belongs to the primary nature of all that is. When our ancestors kne... posted on Jan 31 2020, 8,108 reads


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I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep.
Robert Frost

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